Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hansa Center Treatment Update

God was SO amazing at leading me to the Hansa Center in Wichita for treatment in February this year. I originally heard about it through a friend I know through Iris Global where I served in Pemba, Mozambique. Later on, I came upon the story online of another woman in my city who was suffering multiple seizures and could not walk, from Chronic Late Stage Lyme Disease. At the end of her first two weeks at Hansa she was able to walk and her seizures had stopped! Talking to this new friend and seeing her hope in Jesus helped me to trust that I was hearing rightly from God when He kept whispering to me "Hansa Center".

The Extent of Damage

I went into the Hansa center with a diagnosis of CFS/ME. This was the only diagnosis that doctors could come up with after a barrage of testing throughout 2014 and 2015. As well as seeing my GP/DO, I was sent to an infectious disease specialist who couldn't give me any answers, and tried various natural health practitioners who were able to help me a little, but I was still continuing to get worse. Further testing later on showed the borrelia bacteria, which is associated with Neuroborreliosis, more known as Lyme Disease.

Eventually it came to the point where among other things, I was stuck in bed for 75-95% of each day, and could not go into the prayer room or church because of a problem with processing sound and vibrations. As a musician and singer, this was really hard. I also had postural orthostatic intolerance, being unable to stay upright for too long and needing to lay down flat. It physically hurt to sing, I had cognitive difficulties, neurological issues, pain, and found it hard to hope.

How Hansa Has Helped So Far

During my first intensive two week treatment at Hansa, I entered an environment full of peace and the presence of God. I was so encouraged every single day that I always left my doctor's appointments feeling better in some way, and with more answers about what was going on with my body. The doctors and staff at Hansa pray for patients as well as asking the Lord for wisdom in treating each patient.

The Lord set me up while I was there. My doctor as well as some other patients unknowingly spoke words in season to me that directly spoke to my circumstances in my life both directionally and in my personal journey with the Lord.

I left highly encouraged that I had heard rightly from the Lord in choosing Hansa as the place I would go for treatment. I had more energy during the next two weeks after treatment than I had had in months, if not years.

Now, among other things, I am able to tolerate being around people more than before, my energy levels have improved, my friends tell me I have less brain fog, and I am able to go into stores without getting dizzy and going into fight or flight mode from overstimulation. Praise Jesus!

Going Forward

There are still bumps and challenges in the road - I have layers of infection in my body and it's like an onion - each layer healed and removed reveals more layers and symptoms. Yet this is how chronic Lyme works and I am just so glad I am able to access treatment, as without it I would only be continuing to get worse, possibly ending up like many Lyme disease patients around the world - completely bedridden, suffering more severe symptoms than I currently have like seizures, more heart issues and possibly ending up in early death.

I Have So Much Hope

God provided for me and led me so clearly the first time to Hansa. I know that my life does not end here and He has so much more for me. My dream is to get well so that I am able to work more with children from hard places/traumatic backgrounds. My dream is that one day I may be able to sing again without pain, and to be able to go to church and other gatherings without traumatising my body further. I know God is holding me close, and carrying me all throughout this season. He is my Hope, my Faithful Friend, Saviour and Redeemer, and whether He heals me miraculously all at once or continues to use doctors that He has gifted to heal, I trust in His plans for my life.

Please check out my YouCaring fundraiser for more information on how to give.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 2016

It's the end of another year, and I am oh so thankful for the ways God has provided - even in the midst of one of the hardest seasons of my life!

Like Those Who Dream
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion [brought back the captives], we were like those who dreamed [those restored to health]. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev. Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. // Ps124 NIV

Like those restored to health
I read Psalm 124 a few days ago, which (while I have not studied it fully) to me speaks of the time when Jerusalem will again be the place where King Jesus rules and reigns from, and where all the nations will come and worship Him! I am so looking towards that day! And I am also so looking forward to the day when Jesus brings my body back to 100% health! The NIV version includes a footnote that "those who dreamed" could also be "those restored to health".

I am feeling so much more lately, the promise of healing that the Lord has for me. This has been one of the hardest seasons of my life. The most I have felt hard pressed, the most I have felt perplexed; all of those descriptive words from 2 Corinthians 4 have felt extremely real to me. Yet I am feeling expectant and so excited about the healing He has coming for me!

One day, I will be able to climb mountains and fly long flights across the world all over again. This will SO be a testimony of the Lord's goodness in the nations! Until then, I keep pressing on toward the goal, fixing my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith! He is so good!

SO close!
I am SOOO close to finishing my 4 year Diploma at IHOPU! Just a few more finals to go and I am done! Thank you to ALL who have supported me over this season!

Dreaming Dreams
I've been praying a lot about the next season God has for me, while asking God to open the right doors and close the ones He wants closed.

I have So Much peace, having already felt like the Lord was calling me into a season of really pursuing health here in Kansas City. I will continue seeing health practitioners that God has connected me with in the area. I have so much confidence that this is God's will for me in His role as the Great Healer!

I also have dreams that I feel like God has been stirring for me for the future. Right now they are impossible, and I feel to incubate them just a bit longer and continue to seek His face and heart! In the meantime I will continue to be connected with the International House of Prayer as He leads, here in this next season.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I'm back!

I'm back on twitter! Will be posting all things God, missions, adoption, child development, music, languages etc that I want to share but don't want to blow up my Facebook feed with ;) You may also catch some more of the "real" me through this feed!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


So I've been feeling challenged to share this for awhile, but have been hesitant the sake of being vulnerable... I hope that this encourages someone! Please excuse the length of it. Writing tends to be where I flow better. Skim if you'd like! I'm trusting Jesus will emphasise what He wants to emphasise. The last half is the most important!

Over the past two years I've started to struggle more with health symptoms such as intense fatigue, digestive issues, dizziness/vertigo, nausea, increased sensitivities to sound, light, chemicals, carpets, mold; anxiety, random pain in different parts of my body, arms going tingly/numb, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, trouble with comprehension, forgetting what I'm talking about in the middle of a sentence (or before I start the sentence), forgetting what I'm doing, getting confused, and getting more frustrated than normal, quicker than normal with people or circumstances, even myself.

I'm already looking at this list and wanting to say it's not as bad as it seems! To make myself look better. Yep. Still got some of that "what will people think" going on!

So, these symptoms started affecting my life in increasing ways.

In guitar class last semester, I found that while I had grown up used to being the star music pupil always, this was no longer the case. I didn't have the energy to practice the 8-10 hours a week I was supposed to. I found myself in class, listening to the teacher and being so slow that I couldn't keep up. I would try to play something and freeze in the middle of it, my fingers feeling clumsy and thick and my brain confused. I felt like I had a learning/mental disorder!  I felt embarrassed and humbled, and wanted to defend myself and say that really I was better than that. Yet I found myself comforted in the fact that if I ever adopted children with those kinds of special needs, I would be able to understand them more :)

I had been a worship leader for 3 semesters in a row in student worship teams. The first semester in August 2013 was the best! I had so much fun interacting with my team, challenging ourselves with things like fun jazz chord progressions, and getting us to sing a whole worship song in a tribal language of Mozambique, complete with a different style of music :D We dove into the word together, interceded together, encountered God together and for me it was a breakthrough as I had run away from worship leading and struggled with the idea of it for a long time before. My second semester was equally as good but challenging as I didn't have an associate leader to share the load with. I would find that I would finish some sets exhausted and needing to sit still for awhile to recover. I was also not able to stand as much in singing lessons and had random pain that hurt more from exerting myself singing. I remember talking to the Lord about it and wondering if I had some horrible illness... (He said, "You are Mine and you'll be fine." :D I haven't always held on to that but thankfully He's with us through our ups, downs and forgetfulness of His words!)

The third semester worship leading was the hardest as all my symptoms were worse. I wanted to quit worship leading but was encouraged to stay by my supervisor. They gave me leniency in going home early from sets. I sat most sets (you always sing better standing), found it hard to pastorally care for my team and harder to get along with different personalities. Even some people's voices were of the timbre that just vibrated wrong and caused me to stress/have slight pain/want to run away or punch people in the face (anxiety and stress hormones are weird things). Again I felt stressed out about my reputation before people - thinking of how I would become known as the one who was snappy, grumpy, and not gracious towards others. I knew that I couldn't worship lead the next semester, even though I wanted to.

The last year I've been a singer on teams, and even that has been hard to sustain. I have not been practicing (don't tell!), because it uses up too much energy and that can cause me to crash/symptoms to flare up. I've had to cross my legs/lean back into my seat/cross my arms and hold the mic in order to be able to stay sitting up. I have felt like a bad student or someone who doesn't know anything about singing. I've been mostly singing in the third singer position (we only have 3 singers) which in the past has been fine with me! Yet besides the normal singer accusations we struggle with like "my voice is bad", "I have nothing to add", I've felt my pride in my reputation again be brought to the surface.

Two of the main callings I've heard from the Lord have been: "Release the prophetic sound over nations" and "Will you carry the spirit of adoption to the nations?".

"How can I do what I'm called to do, what I'm MADE for while I'm sick like this?" I found myself thinking, again and again. "I can't worship lead. I can hardly even go to church or the prayer room because the bass, the noise level and the amount of people overwhelm me". I would find myself looking frequently toward the door in classes because the voice of the teacher was louder than I could handle. I would go to church and find myself falling asleep sitting up while Ryan Kondo was leading songs with awesome dance beats (i.e., songs you would normally find impossible to fall asleep in unless you were a 2yr old). I would sit there almost in the front row and Fall Asleep. As time went by it changed to heart racing, panic, needing to leave the building and go home. I felt so bad for leaving early because I've always been the type of person that has to get places on time or early, and who has to stay until the time we're expected to stay. Integrity is one of the things I've prayed about and sought after. A few times I tried to stay in church longer, to honour whoever was speaking and to honour what I had signed up for. I remember staying through worship once, and into the preaching. I suddenly started sobbing. Loudly and uncontrollably and almost hyperventilating at the same time because my body couldn't take the noises and vibrations anymore. A friend had to lead me out the building and drive me home.

I couldn't serve in any way at school. I couldn't commit to anything socially because even just 5-10 minutes of talking to someone would exhaust me. I couldn't commit. I couldn't get assignments in on time. I felt like people didn't believe me that I was sick because I didn't "look" sick, most of the time. I mean you know, the stuffy nose, funny face, funny voice kind of sick. I didn't get that. It was all the other symptoms I had which when I went to get tested at the doctors, all the results came out normal. Lots of blood tests, heart tests, ultrasounds, even a fun CT scan!

And OH my reputation! What did I look like? I thought. They'll think I'm crazy! They'll think I'm trying to get out of everything! They'll think I'm not reliable! They don't believe me. They think I'm lying. Am I lying? Am I making this up?

I couldn't travel at all because it would make me sicker. I couldn't worship lead. I hardly had energy to play piano or guitar. I had to stop serving at kids church check in on Sundays. I knew that there would be no way that I would be able to look after a child. What if I ended up sick my whole life? I could never adopt. Never even marry because I had to move out from my roommate situation and live alone so that I would actually be able to sleep (sensitive to all sounds and lights...). What would my purpose be?

I had been looking forward for a while to the externships that all students in my major are required to do in order to graduate. I was hoping to go to Brazil, Amsterdam or possibly Eurasia for a semester to serve in a house of prayer there and take IHOPU classes online at the same time. I was so excited to possibly have the chance to use my Portuguese or beginnings of Eurasian language learning to serve another nation! However being sick cut out those options.

I was so excited then when I found out that the Orphan Justice Center was running an externship that Summer. As an international student a domestic externship in the Summer was the only option available to me, and OJC was originally not going to be doing that. If you read a couple years back in this blog, my heart was wrecked by Jesus for the American orphan while in Mozambique and I had been wanting to volunteer with OJC since 2013, but felt like Jesus didn't want me to put extra things on my schedule. So getting to do this externship was actually SUCH a great alternative to going overseas!

Leading up to the externship, I was so worried thinking I would have to quit before it began, because I felt like I wouldn't be able to fulfil the requirements. I remember emailing the externship co-ordinator, then talking to her on orientation day about it. Then God encountered me during orientation even though it was just sitting around a table and talking about schedule, expectations and logistics! So I went ahead with the externship, expecting that I'd have to quit in the first week. Wednesday of that week was our first "Malachi 4:6" set where we have a prayer meeting which is designed to be family friendly - specifically accommodating for adoptive and special needs kids to be able to connect with God and take part in the prayer meeting. We were told to just enjoy the set and connect with God ourselves, because it was our first time and we didn't know all the kids yet. God encountered me again as we sang about Him being a good Father and how He wanted to heal, that nothing was impossible for Him!... yet I still found myself crying from the vibrations and noises by the time half an hour had passed. At the end of the set a couple of interns and others gathered around to pray for me as I shared what was going on and my fear that I wouldn't be able to continue.

God ended up giving me SO much grace during externship! I was able to do more than I should have been able to with the kids. I had grace from leaders to take it easy when I needed to. The OJC family came around me constantly in prayer, speaking truth into my life and reminding me to sit down when I would have ended up pushing myself in order to prove my worth (Heidi Baker: "When you're tired, sit down!" sorry random bunny trail). I had never experienced anything like that where my worth was being consistently validated NOT because of what I did (mainly never experienced it because I had always had the ability to "do")! I found that I was able to do most service hours even though sometimes all I did was sit there - and love on kids even though I would end up sleeping most of the day in between :)

I learned how much of my identity had actually been in my ability to serve; to "do" ministry; to be there for others. Yet when all my own strength was taken away, I was shown by the body that I was loved, accepted, and taken care of. I got 3 of my wisdom teeth taken out halfway through externship and was SO taken care of by the team!

How about you? If your ability to do the ministry you've been used to, to do the job you've been used to, to take care of your kids (believing this doesn't happen), gets completely taken away, will you feel like you are worth something to God? To people?

I guess I have had the privilege of finding this out.

I wrote this in the first few weeks of externship:
"It's so easy for us to find our identity in what we do, not who we are. Also there is sometimes no way to tell that that is where our identity has accidentally found itself until our physical ability to "serve" and "do" is taken away. It is hard for me to not be able to DO more and SERVE more and do what the Lord has gifted me to do - But He is just so proud of me even when I can't do anything! He says "well done", and He says that I am not a burden..."

I'm still on the path to full healing, and I still sometimes struggle with accusation and am fighting for truth. But I have been set in a family and am already so much better than I was earlier. I am thankful that Jesus has used this to teach me more about my identity, and is still teaching me! I hope this has encouraged someone today! And I so appreciate your prayers, whenever Jesus prompts you :)

PS I am taking lots of vitamin C, B-complex, other great supplements, am resting a lot more, go out in the fresh air every day (I have a dog and she's great therapy), and have cut out most grains, all sugar and all dairy except good quality butter... just for those out there who will want to help me by suggesting things :) I think I'm on a good path right now. :)

Might upload more from my externship in the next weeks!

Friday, October 23, 2015

"That is authentic leadership in its clearest form—the willingness of people to die for their beliefs, knowing that Christ will vindicate them and give them the gift of eternal life. Thankfully, most of us will never have to experience that kind of leadership challenge..." Albert Mohler, "The Conviction to Lead" p24

I remember back in 2011 preparing to travel with a team throughout Latin America. Part of what our team was planning was to go deep into the Amazon jungle. Leading up to this trip I had a season of having to process with the Lord about whether I was ready to die a martyr - because it could happen! I remember also as a vocal student at IHOPU, studying out a biblical passage to sing through. I was studying the word martyr and found that some people talk about red martyrs being ones who die a violent death for their belief in Christ. Whereas they also talk about white martyrs, who die daily to themselves in order to choose Jesus in every part of their lives. "White" martyrdom can almost be harder than "red" martyrdom! Authentic leadership then, I believe consists of beliefs so strong that they define the leader and it is obvious to themselves and others that they live a life of conviction, "dying" daily to anything that does not fall in line with those convictions. Their reward, just as it is for the "red" martyr, is Christ Himself. They are alive because He lives, and they live for His purpose alone!

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you.” (2 Cor 4:7)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Prayer as the Foundation for ALL Ministry

Can you do it without prayer?

Entering into the 2nd quarter of this school year
My class was given our first report assignment for Practical and Pastoral Theology. We have to go through and find every scripture in the OT that relates to this question, every scripture in the NT, take into account theological doctrines, historical and sociological issues and find two opinions one from a dead person and one from someone alive.

Here is just some of the what my group found - it is in it's roughest form but still SO SO good!

Most of the scriptures in the OT that my group found were related to individuals praying for God's mercy - that He would not destroy a city or people in His judgement! (So there you go - intercession!)

NT scriptures: Jesus taught on prayer; He lived a life of prayer; the acts church was always having prayer meetings; when crisis hit, they ran to prayer; the apostles prayed for the church; they commanded them to pray without ceasing.

Every theological doctrine relates to this issue of prayer. Every single one. I'll just mention one here: Ecclesiology: the study of the Church. Through prayer the Church is strengthened, unified and has communion with God. Prayer allows the Church to partner with God, interceding for the sick, the lost, world events etc.

Historically and Sociologically, there has been great reform and even nationwide healing through corporate times of prayer and fasting, for example:

John Wesley:
John Wesley was deeply affected by the Moravians and their spiritual strength and joy in the Lord and the Moravian prayer vigil, he gathered friends to pray through the night. That night of intercession on January 1, 1739 changed the course of British and American history. He continued to impact Europe and North America along with his brother Charles and George Whitfield. He encouraged Christians to become active in social reform. He supervised the education of lay preachers to educate the people in small cell groups where discipline and faithfulness were learned. These preachers sold and distributed Christian books providing people with spiritual food. He spoke out against slave trade and encouraged William Wilberforce in his antislavery crusade. 

Uganda: In 2002, war-torn Uganda was under severe spiritual oppression with a demonic three family members claiming to be the trinity, with the most notable person being Joseph Kony claiming the role of Jesus. He evaded authorities by seeking demonic council who would warn him of attacks. After he had kidnapped thousands of children from a christian school, the church earnestly sought the Lord in prayer, fasting and evangelistic gatherings. The nation’s president provided church leaders armed escorts to dismantle Kony’s demonic alters, and Kony reported he was unable to hear from his spirit guides and fled the country. Miraculously, thousands of abducted children were returned to their families.

Opinion from someone no longer living:
EM Bounds:
"A prayerful ministry is the only ministry qualified for the high offices and responsibilities of the preacher. Colleges, learning, books, theology, preaching cannot make a preacher, but praying does. The apostles' commission to preach was a blank till filled up by the Pentecost which praying brought. A prayerful minister has passed beyond the regions of the popular, beyond the man of mere affairs, of secularities, of pulpit attractiveness; passed beyond the ecclesiastical organizer or general into a sublimer and mightier region, the region of the spiritual. Holiness is the product of his work; transfigured hearts and lives emblazon the reality of his work, its trueness and substantial nature. God is with him. His ministry is not projected on worldly or surface principles. He is deeply stored with and deeply schooled in the things of God. His long, deep communings with God about his people and the agony of his wrestling spirit have crowned him as a prince in the things of God. The iciness of the mere professional has long since melted under the intensity of his praying.

The superficial results of many a ministry, the deadness of others, are to be found in the lack of praying. No ministry can succeed without much praying, and this praying must be fundamental, ever-abiding, ever-increasing. The text, the sermon, should be the result of prayer. The study should be bathed in prayer, all its duties so impregnated with prayer, its whole spirit the spirit of prayer. "

Living person opinion:
Dr Heidi Baker, PhD
“The first part of your calling is intimacy with Him. If you are not in love with Jesus, I loudly cry, “Quit!” until you find His love so that you can carry it to others.” Compelled By Love p144
“Missions and ministry are simply about laid-down passion at the foot of the cross, praying, “Possess me, Holy Spirit, that I might be conformed into the image of Jesus. Let me reflect the majesty of who He is.” Let Jesus love you first so that you can love others as He did. When you lose yourself inside His huge heart, you find only pure joy in Him”. Compelled By Love p144

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Will You Fight?

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.  You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.  If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.  If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples." John 15:1-8 (I wanted to quote the whole of John 15, but I know that the more is quoted, the less tends to be read!)

Hi Precious Friends and Family :)

So I was reading a book by Bodie and Brock Thoene. If you've never read their books before, basically they are extremely well researched historical fiction. To the extent of extremely well researched in Hebrew and Jewish culture and even going deeper into the text of the original scripture :) :) Some of their books are set in the time of Hitler and the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. Some series are set in the time of Jesus. I recommend their books to anyone!

I was reading this book called "When Jesus Wept". In this particular scene, David ben Lazarus (Lazarus who was raised from the grave) was the owner of a great vineyard. There was a plague of locusts and while Herod Antipas' vineyard was destroyed, Lazarus' vineyard was saved. Why?

From the book:
Jesus: "How did your vines survive and Herod's did not?"
Lazarus: "We fought to save them. Patrick, my servant, fought because now he's won his freedom. Samson, my vinedresser, fought because he loves me and loves these vines as if they are his own. We didn't give up. And when the oil from the smudge pots was gone and we could do no more, the Lord sent a wind and a flock of quail to eat the locusts."
Jesus focused on the contrast. "How is it that the vineyard of Herod is completely stripped? Not a shred of green remains. All his crop lost."
It was a simple question. Easy to answer. "The labourers hired by Herod's overseer gave up before the battle began. When the insects dropped down, the men didn't fight to drive them off. They were paid to work, but they have no love for the vineyard. No care for the outcome. It's nothing to them if everything is lost."
[Jesus replied]: "The hireling doesn't care, but the one who owns the land and plants, and the vinedresser who tends the vines, now there are lions who will fight to save the vineyard!"

I read this and was struck by thinking about who is the vine (JESUS) and who are the branches (me, you, the kids in Mozambique, every believer...)

So, He said to me in that moment of realisation:

"Will you fight?"

Will I fight? Do I truly love the vineyard (thinking of Jesus the vine and his people the branches)?

Intercessor, will YOU fight!

Yes I will! Because of my love I will fight in prayer and obedience! Jesus is worthy of His inheritance from every nation, tribe and tongue! He is worthy of wholehearted love!

Now just to clarify: HE is the one who fights for us- the Father is the vinedresser. But because I am His - because I was bought by the blood of the lamb, set FREE by the blood of the lamb; because I am released from my sins by the blood of Jesus - I am now free to minister with Jesus as royalty, as a priest! (Revelation 1:5-7). I will fight WITH my Jesus, FOR my Jesus, and for HIS heart, HIS people!

I will go to Brazil and help coordinate this 24/7 house of prayer in Fortaleza with a small team of myself and 4 others... 24/7 for 31 days! (Holy Spirit help us). I will go to Brazil and love the prostitute, the trafficked, the child who has never known freedom... I will go to Brazil and commit myself to unity with my team and to serve, teach, train, and lift up the Brazilian church to become labourers in the house of prayer, calling forth Jesus' purpose for the nations and to become abolitionists of human trafficking in their own nation!

I will go to Mozambique and lift up the hands of my Iris family who are labouring in Pemba, where the floods have devastated the villages, the roads, people's lives... where Iris doesn't have enough to even rebuild some of missionaries homes which were destroyed (all are safe), yet are working hard to do what they can for their friends in the villages.

I will also come back to Kansas City and commit myself to growth - being equipped and able to give more to those He sends me to!

I will pray. I will love. I will go! I will commit myself to living out a life of truth, integrity, standing for King Jesus and preaching (AND teaching) the whole gospel of the coming Kingdom, so that the Lamb will receive His reward. I will sing, I will pray, I will fight for the heart of my King!

Will you fight?

What does it look like for you to fight in your sphere, the place God has planted you? I would love to hear from you :)

Much love and prayers
Serena xoxo

I am loving this house the Lord has set me in! My 4 housemates are from America and from the Ivory Coast in Africa. 2 are on nightwatch and 2 on days. 3 are in IHOPU and one is saving up for it next semester! We are between the ages of 21 and 27! They all love the Lord and I am soo happy HE has set me here! Of course there are challenges like how to handle noise from neighbours (townhouses, very thin walls, I have been an extreme light sleeper), but the housemates make all the difference! Plus, the weather is getting warmer and we are in a predominantly black neighbourhood - we have kids of all ages playing in the front yard, back yard and across the street! sooo cute!!

Prayer requests:
Continued physical healing and to walk in complete health!
Intimacy with the Father, with the Son, with Holy Spirit...
Grace to be able to do everything which is required of me schoolwork wise... I want to have the ability to soak up, retain and grow fruit from everything I can!
Grace to lead my worship team well. To prepare well, to set them up for success, and to love well.
Grace to labour in the house of prayer (yes, intercessory prayer is both a joy and a labour!)
Abundant provision soon, for tickets for Brazil and Mozambique.

Random fact:
It was 82F degrees (28C) yesterday. Today was thunderstorms almost ALL day. Tomorrow it is going to snow. Oh Kansas City.