Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Take off for Mexico - 9 Days!
Dear friends!
Just a quick update on the past week or so, and whats coming up:
Graduated from Track 1 of the Fire in the Night Internship last night - Bonfire - last 2 hours of prayer room (4-6am), breakfast (or late supper?!) at the International House of PANCAKES (although I ate no pancakes) and in 6 hours time I will be leaving on a roadtrip to Texas, where I will spend a week with friends, doing last minute prep for Latin America... I will now be joining the team on October 2nd in Mexico City, Mexico.
My flight is booked, yellow fever and Hep A shots taken, God has been so awesome in providing! It's cool because I don't have to beg Him to provide - it's His idea so I know that He will! But He does like us to be honest with Him when our faith is being stretched. Whether it's that something in our life has gone wrong that we don't understand - a tragedy or job related stress, or relationships that are not going the way we like them too - our GOD wants us to be honest with Him. We can get mad at him and let it out the way that we are feeling. (I'm feeling right now that my english sentence structure isn't happening quite right! Sorry, its way past my bedtime). He wants us to share with Him and be HONEST about how we feel. The important part after that however is that we then choose to let Him in to speak truth into our hearts. Let Him speak. Praise Him. Worship Him. Get HIS perspective. But ultimately He IS our Daddy. Our Abba. He said to be like a child. So be like a child. Let it all out in the safety of His ears and His heart. Then let Him set it straight and be your comfort (Holy Spirit is our comforter...) that way you're not verbally and emotionally vomiting on a person who was never made to be able to handle and help you like our God is.
I don't know where that came from, I guess hopefully it helped someone! Anyway, so God is awesome and has been working out so many details about this preparation for Latin America!
Conference in Illinois - PROVISION!
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to an Iris Conference in St Charles, Illinois. God so completely provided for me to go. The people who run the conference sent me a scholarship to go for free, then I found cheap bus tickets of $15 one way when all the other tickets at other times and days were $65. Then all these people started donating muesli bars (granola bars) and other snacks so I wouldn't starve during it... THEN, I went in faith not having anywhere to stay. As I got to Chicago I called a friend who I knew was at the conference too (but thought she was there with her husband). She proceeded to tell me excitedly that she was so glad I was coming alone, as she was there without her husband (he couldn't get time off work) and was in a room all by herself! So I had a place to stay. THEN, turns out she was family friends with the people who run the campsite/conference center and they proceeded to tell me that I had to eat my meals with them :) Jesus LOVES me and LOVES to provide!! Where it is HIS way and we step out in faith, He PROVIDES!
Now the rest of my Latin American team had previously met up at Bethel Church in Redding, California for a revival service where Heidi Baker prayed over and commissioned them. I had it on my heart to possibly ask Mama Heidi to pray over me too during this conference... At the end of the last session on the last night, God provided the opportunity for me to sneak out the back door with Heidi where she hugged me and commissioned me to GO and be a laid down lover to the poor and unreached in Latin America. Holy Spirit crashed down with LOVE and JOY and I had some concrete time (not dirt, this time) on the ground in the rain... JESUS is worth it ALL and when He opens our hearts to see how dark we are or feel... He responds by saying that we are lovely, to Him. He told me that my name is Beloved... He told a friend that my name is "Lovely One"... What is His name for you?
Thank you so so much to those who have given!! May you be BLESSED overabundantly and I am praying for you each by name, that God would provide ALL your needs through His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!
Please PRAY:
There is a certain amount that still needs to come in by the end of next week. Pray for this provision and that if the Lord wills, people would commit to giving monthly over the course of this next 11 months. Otherwise, pray for the grace to live by FAITH!
Pray for grace and strength, travel protection, health
Pray for the right connections in Texas and that the Lord would do all that He wants in and through me... I was originally meant to be heading to Nashville, Tennessee not Texas, but the Lord spoke to my heart in the prayer room last week saying He didn't want me in Nashville, He wanted me to get to Mexico via TEXAS!! I am stepping out in faith knowing that He guides me rightly. I am HIS sheep and I hear HIS voice
Blessings and more of JESUS for you today!!
Lots of Love,
Serena xoxoxo
P.S. Anyone live around the Houston, Texas area or even on the way from Kansas City, MO to Houston and have either a: small one or two person TENT, a small, light SLEEPING BAG or a SLEEPING MAT that they would like to donate - please let me know!
Email for bank details
Just a quick update on the past week or so, and whats coming up:
Graduated from Track 1 of the Fire in the Night Internship last night - Bonfire - last 2 hours of prayer room (4-6am), breakfast (or late supper?!) at the International House of PANCAKES (although I ate no pancakes) and in 6 hours time I will be leaving on a roadtrip to Texas, where I will spend a week with friends, doing last minute prep for Latin America... I will now be joining the team on October 2nd in Mexico City, Mexico.
My flight is booked, yellow fever and Hep A shots taken, God has been so awesome in providing! It's cool because I don't have to beg Him to provide - it's His idea so I know that He will! But He does like us to be honest with Him when our faith is being stretched. Whether it's that something in our life has gone wrong that we don't understand - a tragedy or job related stress, or relationships that are not going the way we like them too - our GOD wants us to be honest with Him. We can get mad at him and let it out the way that we are feeling. (I'm feeling right now that my english sentence structure isn't happening quite right! Sorry, its way past my bedtime). He wants us to share with Him and be HONEST about how we feel. The important part after that however is that we then choose to let Him in to speak truth into our hearts. Let Him speak. Praise Him. Worship Him. Get HIS perspective. But ultimately He IS our Daddy. Our Abba. He said to be like a child. So be like a child. Let it all out in the safety of His ears and His heart. Then let Him set it straight and be your comfort (Holy Spirit is our comforter...) that way you're not verbally and emotionally vomiting on a person who was never made to be able to handle and help you like our God is.
I don't know where that came from, I guess hopefully it helped someone! Anyway, so God is awesome and has been working out so many details about this preparation for Latin America!
Conference in Illinois - PROVISION!
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to an Iris Conference in St Charles, Illinois. God so completely provided for me to go. The people who run the conference sent me a scholarship to go for free, then I found cheap bus tickets of $15 one way when all the other tickets at other times and days were $65. Then all these people started donating muesli bars (granola bars) and other snacks so I wouldn't starve during it... THEN, I went in faith not having anywhere to stay. As I got to Chicago I called a friend who I knew was at the conference too (but thought she was there with her husband). She proceeded to tell me excitedly that she was so glad I was coming alone, as she was there without her husband (he couldn't get time off work) and was in a room all by herself! So I had a place to stay. THEN, turns out she was family friends with the people who run the campsite/conference center and they proceeded to tell me that I had to eat my meals with them :) Jesus LOVES me and LOVES to provide!! Where it is HIS way and we step out in faith, He PROVIDES!
Now the rest of my Latin American team had previously met up at Bethel Church in Redding, California for a revival service where Heidi Baker prayed over and commissioned them. I had it on my heart to possibly ask Mama Heidi to pray over me too during this conference... At the end of the last session on the last night, God provided the opportunity for me to sneak out the back door with Heidi where she hugged me and commissioned me to GO and be a laid down lover to the poor and unreached in Latin America. Holy Spirit crashed down with LOVE and JOY and I had some concrete time (not dirt, this time) on the ground in the rain... JESUS is worth it ALL and when He opens our hearts to see how dark we are or feel... He responds by saying that we are lovely, to Him. He told me that my name is Beloved... He told a friend that my name is "Lovely One"... What is His name for you?
Thank you so so much to those who have given!! May you be BLESSED overabundantly and I am praying for you each by name, that God would provide ALL your needs through His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!
Please PRAY:
There is a certain amount that still needs to come in by the end of next week. Pray for this provision and that if the Lord wills, people would commit to giving monthly over the course of this next 11 months. Otherwise, pray for the grace to live by FAITH!
Pray for grace and strength, travel protection, health
Pray for the right connections in Texas and that the Lord would do all that He wants in and through me... I was originally meant to be heading to Nashville, Tennessee not Texas, but the Lord spoke to my heart in the prayer room last week saying He didn't want me in Nashville, He wanted me to get to Mexico via TEXAS!! I am stepping out in faith knowing that He guides me rightly. I am HIS sheep and I hear HIS voice
Blessings and more of JESUS for you today!!
Lots of Love,
Serena xoxoxo
P.S. Anyone live around the Houston, Texas area or even on the way from Kansas City, MO to Houston and have either a: small one or two person TENT, a small, light SLEEPING BAG or a SLEEPING MAT that they would like to donate - please let me know!
If you feel led to support me financially in what the Lord is doing in Latin America, you can donate with a credit/debit card via paypal. Just go to , click on "Personal", "Send Money Online", and fill out your details. My email registered with paypal is serena ("serena" and "xh" are one word).
Email for bank details
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Iris Ministries Latin America site now up!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Latest Update from Jesse

In a few hours from now we embark on the latest World Missions Quest the Lord has assigned for us. Together with an Iris Ministries team of 25 men and women we are heading south to cross over the border into Mexico. We have our caravan of Suv's pulling tent trailors and small motor homes loaded and ready to roll out. We will be in about every country through all Latin America and the Carribean over the next year to year and a half. Many will not return but are going waiting for the Lord to reveal where He wants them stay permanently on the Mission field in South America. Our team is made up of young and older men and women from all over the world incuding; Australia, America, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Mexico, South America and South Africa. We All met in Mozambique Africa over the past years and experienced the outpouring of revival and miracles poured out in one of the very poorest countries of the world. It was there God captivated our hearts for His presence, the poor and forgotten, and revival for the nations. Now we set out carrying this glory into the darkest, most remote and unreached places of Latin America. We plan to trek deep into into the jungles and mountains, up the channels of the amazon to the river tribes, the Andies, and wherever God leads us where there are lost and broken people in need of His love. We do not feel qualified, comfortable or that we know what we are doing, but each one of us beleives that He is leading us, is with us, and will bring amazing transformation in our lives and in these nations as we step out in faith with we He told us. We desire daily to follow the Holy Spirit's direction, to flow as a family in the spirit daily worshipping in His presence, hearing from Him and making decisions together. Everywhere we go will be partnering with local pastors and churches to bless and encourage and reach out in their countries to those who still dont know Him. Please Pray for us... Many tell us we are crazy and the spirits of intimidation consistently move against us through voices reminding us of the impending danger and foolishness of our faith. AND WE WILL NOT SHRINK BACK BECAUSE HE WHO IS IN US IS GREATER THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD! We are thrilled at the privilege of partnering with our Love and Life-Jesus Christ to see His Kingdom come and the enemies works obliterated. Come Lord!
Here we go again, leaping off the edge of this cliff not knowing where it will end, but in your arms again. I didnt know I had these wings until i jumped to what could have been my end but now I soar to higher hights then I have ever been.
Overwhelmed and undone by the amazing Almighty One. This thrilling Life ride leaves me utterly dependent on the faithfulness of Father who blesses me with all I dont deserve and surpasses all my hopes with His radical love unfolding my destiny to be more than I ever dreamed
Here we go again, leaping off the edge of this cliff not knowing where it will end, but in your arms again. I didnt know I had these wings until i jumped to what could have been my end but now I soar to higher hights then I have ever been.
Overwhelmed and undone by the amazing Almighty One. This thrilling Life ride leaves me utterly dependent on the faithfulness of Father who blesses me with all I dont deserve and surpasses all my hopes with His radical love unfolding my destiny to be more than I ever dreamed
Thursday, September 8, 2011
“I love you.”
“Because you are MINE.”
I am His. I am His daughter… When a Mom or a Dad loves their kid, even when a kid knows exactly what is right and wrong and still chooses the wrong thing… the parent does not leave and does not forsake them. Would you as a parent, throw your teenage daughter out on the street because she chose to do the wrong thing? She chose to do something which showed that she cared more about that than how much she loved you… Would you not still trade the world to have her back… would you not still hold out your arms and do anything to keep her safe and secure… Would you not wipe the tears from her eyes, rock her to a peaceful sleep and sing “It’s all gonna be okay…” This is my God’s love for me. I belong to Him. This is my God’s love for YOU. We belong to Him. He loves us with an unfailing love. Yes there are undoubtably consequences to our choices. God is Holy, perfect, awesome and to be revered. There will be judgement. This is not permission to just swing back and forth and sin yet call yourself a Christian. God is GOD. But God is also Daddy. Papa. Abba Pai. Do not ever, ever, EVER let the enemy use condemnation to keep you from His love. satan uses condemnation. The Holy Spirit uses conviction. You know the truth. Live by the truth. Choose the truth. But if you slip and fall… Come back to His open arms. Be sorry, say sorry, ask for forgiveness, and know that He LOVES you. Like a Daddy with His little girl. Or little boy…
Get yourself around family. The family into which we were adopted was given to us for a reason. The Lord sets the lonely into families… We are not here to show off each other’s dirt. We are here to wash it off. Ask God for someone who you can trust completely, and you can talk to. If you are struggling with something that keeps coming back, find a friend who can STAND with you – you need to stand too – and pray, and love, and keep you accountable.
There is faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is LOVE.
LOVE overcomes everything. LOVE causes the Creator of everything which ever existed or will exist, to come down, live as a man within the limitations of a man and then undergo extreme betrayal, torture and finally death, just so He could have us back again. LOVE causes the blind to see, hearts to heal, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the dead to rise. LOVE brings hope to the hopeless, restoration to relationships, the renewing of our minds where we could not hope for that ourselves. LOVE means giving a kid a drink. Sharing a meal with the poor in their mud hut… which THEY sacrificed for and made for you. LOVE causes a father to dive in a crocodile infested river to search for food for his kids, and causes a kid to fetch water from that river so his family won’t die. LOVE sets the lonely in families. I could go on…
LOVE. looks like something.
“Because you are MINE.”
I am His. I am His daughter… When a Mom or a Dad loves their kid, even when a kid knows exactly what is right and wrong and still chooses the wrong thing… the parent does not leave and does not forsake them. Would you as a parent, throw your teenage daughter out on the street because she chose to do the wrong thing? She chose to do something which showed that she cared more about that than how much she loved you… Would you not still trade the world to have her back… would you not still hold out your arms and do anything to keep her safe and secure… Would you not wipe the tears from her eyes, rock her to a peaceful sleep and sing “It’s all gonna be okay…” This is my God’s love for me. I belong to Him. This is my God’s love for YOU. We belong to Him. He loves us with an unfailing love. Yes there are undoubtably consequences to our choices. God is Holy, perfect, awesome and to be revered. There will be judgement. This is not permission to just swing back and forth and sin yet call yourself a Christian. God is GOD. But God is also Daddy. Papa. Abba Pai. Do not ever, ever, EVER let the enemy use condemnation to keep you from His love. satan uses condemnation. The Holy Spirit uses conviction. You know the truth. Live by the truth. Choose the truth. But if you slip and fall… Come back to His open arms. Be sorry, say sorry, ask for forgiveness, and know that He LOVES you. Like a Daddy with His little girl. Or little boy…
Get yourself around family. The family into which we were adopted was given to us for a reason. The Lord sets the lonely into families… We are not here to show off each other’s dirt. We are here to wash it off. Ask God for someone who you can trust completely, and you can talk to. If you are struggling with something that keeps coming back, find a friend who can STAND with you – you need to stand too – and pray, and love, and keep you accountable.
There is faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is LOVE.
LOVE overcomes everything. LOVE causes the Creator of everything which ever existed or will exist, to come down, live as a man within the limitations of a man and then undergo extreme betrayal, torture and finally death, just so He could have us back again. LOVE causes the blind to see, hearts to heal, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, the dead to rise. LOVE brings hope to the hopeless, restoration to relationships, the renewing of our minds where we could not hope for that ourselves. LOVE means giving a kid a drink. Sharing a meal with the poor in their mud hut… which THEY sacrificed for and made for you. LOVE causes a father to dive in a crocodile infested river to search for food for his kids, and causes a kid to fetch water from that river so his family won’t die. LOVE sets the lonely in families. I could go on…
LOVE. looks like something.
Friday, September 2, 2011
South-East Asia
Photo Credits: Myself, J. Engle, L. Datskiv, J&T
Mozambique, 2010
Sorry it took so long! I actually made this video in Malaysia earlier this year, to share at a church. Windows Movie Maker... Didn't have a whole lot of my photos/videos with me to use, but I still think it communicates what happened pretty well! Enjoy.
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